Interview Questions, Answers and Tutorials

Category: 4.2 Handling Exceptions

Using the finally block

Hello there! Today, we’re going to talk about something called the finally block in Java. Imagine you’re a superhero, and sometimes you need to make sure everything is back to normal no matter what happens during your heroic adventures. The finally block is like your superhero cape—it helps you clean up and make things right, no matter what goes wrong in your code. What is the “finally” Block? In Java, when you write a program, there might be situations where you need to do something important, like saving data or closing a connection, no matter what happens in your code.…

Writing robust code with try-catch blocks

Hello there! Today, we’re going to talk about a super cool technique in Java programming that helps us write strong and reliable code. Imagine you’re playing with building blocks, and sometimes things might not go as planned – some blocks may fall. Similarly, in programming, unexpected things can happen, and we use something called try-catch blocks to handle those situations. The Basics In Java, a try-catch block is like a safety net for our code. We put the risky parts of our code inside the try block, and if something goes wrong, we catch it in the catch block. Here’s…