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Code reviews and best practices

Code reviews and best practices

Imagine you’re building a LEGO masterpiece. You carefully snap each brick into place, making sure everything fits just right. But what if someone else could take a look at your creation before you declare it finished? That’s exactly what code reviews are like in the world of programming!

What are Code Reviews?

Code reviews are like having a buddy check your LEGO creation for any missing pieces or places where things could be improved. In coding, it means having another programmer look over your code to find mistakes, suggest improvements, and make sure it’s easy for others to understand.

Why are Code Reviews Important?

Just like how two heads are better than one when building a LEGO set, having another set of eyes on your code can catch mistakes you might have missed. It helps ensure that the code works correctly, follows best practices, and can be easily understood by other programmers who might work on it later.

Best Practices for Code Reviews

  1. Be Kind: Remember, the person whose code you’re reviewing is human too! Be respectful and give constructive feedback.
  2. Focus on the Code, Not the Coder: It’s not about criticizing the person who wrote the code; it’s about making the code better.
  3. Check for Errors: Look for mistakes in the code that could cause problems when it’s running.
  4. Follow Style Guidelines: Just like how LEGO instructions have a style, code often follows specific rules for how it should look. Stick to these guidelines so the code looks neat and tidy.
  5. Think about Performance: Consider if the code could run faster or more efficiently.
  6. Test, Test, Test: Make sure the code does what it’s supposed to do by testing it thoroughly.
Java Code Example:

Let’s say you’re writing a simple Java program to add two numbers together:

public class AddNumbers {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1 = 5;
        int num2 = 3;
        int sum = add(num1, num2);
        System.out.println("The sum is: " + sum);
    public static int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

In this code, we have a main method that adds two numbers and prints the result. We also have a separate add method to do the actual addition.

Code Review Feedback:

  1. Error Checking: What if someone enters non-numeric values? We should add validation to handle such cases.
  2. Variable Names: Instead of num1 and num2, clearer names like firstNumber and secondNumber would be better.
  3. Comments: Adding comments explaining what each part of the code does would make it easier for others to understand.
  4. Testing: We should write some tests to make sure our add method works for different inputs.


Just like how teamwork makes building LEGO sets more fun and efficient, code reviews make programming better. By following best practices and getting feedback from others, we can write code that’s not only error-free but also easier for everyone to understand and work with. So next time you’re writing code, remember to ask for a code review – it’s like having a buddy to help you build something awesome! 🚀