Software Testing Dictionary – 7
Negative test. A test whose primary purpose is falsification; that is tests designed to break the software[B.Beizer1995]
Orthogonal array testing: Technique can be used to reduce the number of combinations and provide maximum coverage with a minimum number of TC. Pay attention to the fact that it is an old and proven technique. The OAT was introduced for the first time by Plackett and Burman in 1946 and was implemented by G. Taguchi, 1987
Orthogonal array testing: Mathematical technique to determine which variations of parameters need to be tested. [William E. Lewis, 2000]
Oracle. Test Oracle: a mechanism to produce the predicted outcomes to compare with the actual outcomes of the software under test [fromBS7925-1]
Parallel Testing Testing a new or an alternate data processing system with the same source data that is used in another system. The other system is considered as the standard of comparison. Syn: parallel run.[ISO]
Penetration testing The process of attacking a host from outside to ascertain remote security vulnerabilities.
Performance Testing. Testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component with specific performance requirements [BS7925-1]
Performance testing can be undertaken to 1) show that the system meets specified performance objectives, 2) tune the system, 3) determine the factors in hardware or software that limit the system’s performance, and 4) project the system’s future load- handling capacity in order to schedule its replacements” [Software System Testing and Quality Assurance. Beizer, 1984, p. 256]
Preventive Testing Building test cases based upon the requirements specification prior to the creation of the code, with the express purpose of validating the requirements [Systematic Software Testing by Rick D. Craig and Stefan P. Jaskiel 2002]
Prior Defect History Testing. Test cases are created or rerun for every defect found in prior tests of the system. [William E. Lewis, 2000]
Qualification Testing. (IEEE) Formal testing, usually conducted by the developer for the consumer, to demonstrate that the software meets its specified requirements. See acceptance testing.
Quality. The degree to which a program possesses a desired combination of attributes that enable it to perform its specified end-use.
Quality Assurance (QA)Consists of planning, coordinating and other strategic activities associated with measuring product quality against external requirements and specifications (process-related activities).
Consists of monitoring, controlling, and other tactical activities associated with the measurement of product quality goals.
Our definition of Quality: Achieving the target (not conformance to requirements as used by many authors) & minimizing the variability of the system under test.