Interview Questions, Answers and Tutorials

Composition: “has-a” relationship

Composition: “has-a” relationship

What is Composition?

Imagine you have a toy car. This toy car has different parts: wheels, a body, an engine, and so on. The toy car has wheels, it has a body, and it has an engine. This is exactly what composition is in programming. It means that one object is made up of other objects.

We can use classes to represent this “has-a” relationship. Let’s look at how this works with a simple example.

Example: Building a Toy Car

Step 1: Creating the Parts

First, let’s create the different parts of our toy car.

  1. Wheels
  2. Body
  3. Engine

We will create a class for each part.

class Wheel:
    def __init__(self, brand):
        self.brand = brand

class Body:
    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color

class Engine:
    def __init__(self, horsepower):
        self.horsepower = horsepower

Each part has a specific attribute:

  • Wheel has a brand.
  • Body has a color.
  • Engine has horsepower.
Step 2: Creating the Toy Car

Now, let’s create the Car class that has these parts.

class Car:
    def __init__(self, brand, color, horsepower):
        self.wheel = Wheel(brand)
        self.body = Body(color)
        self.engine = Engine(horsepower)

    def display_info(self):
        print(f"Car with {self.wheel.brand} wheels, {self.body.color} body, and {self.engine.horsepower} horsepower engine.")

The Car class has:

  • A Wheel object.
  • A Body object.
  • An Engine object.

It also has a method display_info to print out the details of the car.

Step 3: Creating and Using the Toy Car

Now, let’s create a toy car and see how it works.

my_toy_car = Car(brand="Goodyear", color="red", horsepower=300)

When you run this code, it will output:

Car with Goodyear wheels, red body, and 300 horsepower engine.

Practice Questions

Question 1: Adding Seats to the Car

Create a Seat class with an attribute material. Then update the Car class to include seats.

# Your code here

Question 2: Creating Multiple Cars

Create a list of cars with different brands, colors, and horsepower. Then, display the information for each car.

# Your code here


Solution 1: Adding Seats to the Car

class Seat:
    def __init__(self, material):
        self.material = material

class Car:
    def __init__(self, brand, color, horsepower, seat_material):
        self.wheel = Wheel(brand)
        self.body = Body(color)
        self.engine = Engine(horsepower) = Seat(seat_material)

    def display_info(self):
        print(f"Car with {self.wheel.brand} wheels, {self.body.color} body, {self.engine.horsepower} horsepower engine, and {} seats.")

my_toy_car = Car(brand="Goodyear", color="red", horsepower=300, seat_material="leather")
When you run this code, it will output:

Car with Goodyear wheels, red body, 300 horsepower engine, and leather seats.

Solution 2: Creating Multiple Cars

cars = [
    Car(brand="Goodyear", color="red", horsepower=300, seat_material="leather"),
    Car(brand="Michelin", color="blue", horsepower=250, seat_material="fabric"),
    Car(brand="Pirelli", color="green", horsepower=400, seat_material="suede")

for car in cars:
When you run this code, it will output:

Car with Goodyear wheels, red body, 300 horsepower engine, and leather seats.
Car with Michelin wheels, blue body, 250 horsepower engine, and fabric seats.
Car with Pirelli wheels, green body, 400 horsepower engine, and suede seats.

In this lesson, we learned about composition, and the “has-a” relationship in Python. We saw how we can create a complex object (a car) from simpler objects (wheels, body, engine, seats). Composition helps us build and manage more complex systems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable parts.

By practicing these concepts, you’ll get better at structuring your code and making it more modular and easier to understand. Happy coding!