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Difference between QA and QC

Difference between QA and QC

Software testing is a process of verifying and validating that a software application or program meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development, and works as expected. Software testing also identifies important defects, flaws, or errors in the application code that must be fixed.

Quality means the conformance to the specified design requirement. Being correct, the minimum requirement of quality means performing as required under specified circumstances. Debugging, a narrow view of software testing is performed heavily to find out design defects by the programmer.

Quality Assurance (QA) is the process that focuses upon each and every role and their responsibilities in the development process and checks whether they are being accomplished as per the guidelines provided by the quality standards or not. It concentrates on the process of the product and is done throughout the life cycle. It is a defect prevention method.

Quality Control (QC) is the process that usually includes inspections and audit operations to segregate bad from the good. It concentrates on specific products and is done after the product is built. It is a defect-detection and correction method.

Don’t confuse between Testing and QA as both are different
QA is a continuous process in which we monitor and perform steps in order to improve. It is oriented to PREVENTION.
Testing is done under controlled conditions in order to find defects. It is oriented to DETECTION.

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