Testing Metrics
METRIC is a measure to quantify software, software development resources, and/or the software development process. Metrics enable estimation of future work.
A Metric can quantify any of the following factors:
– Schedule,
– Work Effort,
– Product Size,
– Project Status, and
– Quality Performance
Project Management Metrics
Schedule Variance (SV)
This metric gives the variation of actual schedule vs. planned schedule. This metric is represented as a percentage.
SV = [(Actual number of days – Planned number of days) / Planned number of days] * 100
Effort Variance (EV)
This metric gives the variation of actual effort vs. estimated effort. This metric is represented as a percentage.
EV = [(Actual Person Hours – Estimated Person Hours) / Estimated Person Hours] * 100
Cost Variance (CV)
This metric gives the variation of actual cost vs. estimated cost. This metric is represented as a percentage.
CV = [(Actual Cost – Estimated Cost) / Estimated Cost] * 100
Size Variance (SzV)
This metric gives the variation of actual size vs. estimated size. This metric is represented as a percentage.
SzV = [(Actual Size – Estimated Size) / Estimated Size] * 100
Requirement Metrics
Requirements Stability Index (RSI)
This metric gives the stability factor of the requirements over a period of time after the requirements have been mutually agreed and baseline. This metric is represented as a percentage.
RSI = [(Number of baseline requirements) ? (Number of changes in requirements after the requirements are baseline)] / (Number of baseline requirements)] * 100
Requirements Traceability Metrics (RTM)
This metric provides the analysis of requirements captured in test cases. RTM helps a user to decide if all the requirements are covered in written test cases. This analysis is done by determining
– Number of Requirements
– Number of Test Cases with matching Requirements
– Number of Requirements with no matching Test Cases
Testing and Review Metrics
Defect Density
This metric provides the analysis of the number of defects to the size of the work product. This metric is represented as a percentage.
Defect Density = [Total no. of Defects / Size (FP or KLOC)] * 100
Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE) This metric will indicate the effectiveness of the defect identification and removal in stages for a given project. This metric is represented as a percentage.
– Requirements Phase:
DRE = [(Requirement defects corrected during Requirements phase) / Requirement defects injected during Requirements phase)] * 100
– Design Phase:
DRE = [(Design defects corrected during Design phase) / (Defects identified during Requirements phase + Defects injected during Design phase)] * 100
– Code Phase:
DRE = [(Code defects corrected during Coding phase) / (Defects identified during Requirements phase + Defects identified during Design phase + Defects injected during coding phase)] * 100
– Overall:
DRE = [(Total defects corrected at all phases before delivery) / (Total defects detected at all phases before and after delivery)] * 100
Overall Test Effectiveness (OTE)
This metric will indicate the effectiveness of the Testing process in identifying the defects for a given project during the testing stage. This metric is represented as a percentage.
OTE = [(Number of defects found during testing) / (Total number of defects found during Testing + Number of defects found during post-delivery)] * 100
Overall Review Effectiveness (ORE)
This metric will indicate the effectiveness of the Review process in identifying the defects for a given project. This metric is represented as a percentage.
OTE = [(Number of defects found by reviews) / (Total number of defects found by reviews + Number of defects found during Testing + Number of defects found during post-delivery)] * 100