Interview Questions, Answers and Tutorials

QTP Multiple Choice Questions – Set 9

QTP Multiple Choice Questions – Set 9

81) In the Object Repository window:.
A) Local objects are editable (black)
B) Shared objects are in read-only format (gray)
C) Local objects are in read-only format (gray)
D) Shared objects are editable (black)
82) Mark true statement(s):.
A) You can delete objects from a shared object repository using the Object
Repository window.
B) You can delete objects from the local object repository using the Object
Repository Manager
C) You can delete objects from the local object repository using the Object
Repository window
D) You can delete objects from a shared object repository using the Object
Repository Manager
83) You can modify an object stored in a shared object repository.
A) using the Object Repository Manager
B) using the Object Repository window
C) you can copy it to the local object repository and then modify its properties
D) you cannot modify properties of objects stored in Shared object repository
84) If an object is contained in both local and shared repositories then, during a run
A) QuickTest will use the object in the local object repository
B) QuickTest will use the object in the Shared object repository
C) There will be a conflict
D) QuickTest will use Descriptive Programming
85) When you copy an object to the local object repository
A) its parent objects are also copied to the local object repository
B) its parent objects are not copied to the local object repository
C) You have to manually copy its parent objects are also copied to the local object
D) You have to manually drag and drop its parent objects
86) For tests, you can also view test object properties and property values for
objects in the Active Screen, regardless of whether the objects are
stored in the object repository.
A) True
B) False
87) Object Properties window differs for objects stored in Shared and Local object
A) True
B) False
88) You can rename objects in the shared object repository using the Object
Repository Manager
A) True
B) False, you cannot rename objects in shared object repository
89) When you modify the name of an object in the local object repository, the name
is automatically updated in ……. for all occurrences of the object..
A) in the Keyword View
B) in the Expert View
C) Both Keyword and Expert View
D) Changing name of an object doest not effect keyword or expert view
90) When you modify the name of an object in a shared repository, the name is
automatically updated in all tests open on the same computer that use the object
repository as soon as you make the change, even if you have not yet saved the
object repository with your changes.
A) True
B) False

81) A,B, 82) C,D, 83) A,C, 84) A, 85) A, 86) A, 87) A, 88) A, 89) C, 90) A

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