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Test Automation

Test Automation

One of the foremost widespread changes in software testing during the last decade has been the increased use of test automation. the utilization of software to regulate the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the fixing of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions.

Software testing is often expensive and labor-intensive, so a crucial goal of software testing is to automate the maximum amount possible. Test automation not only reduces the value of testing but also reduces human error and makes regression testing easier by allowing a test to be run repeatedly with the push of a button.

Software engineers sometimes distinguish revenue tasks, which contribute to the answer of a drag, from excise tasks, which don’t. for instance, compiling a Java class may be a classic excise task because, although necessary for the category to be executable, compilation contributes nothing to the behavior of that class. In contrast, determining which methods are appropriate to define a knowledge abstraction during a Java class may be a revenue task. Excise tasks are candidates for automation; revenue tasks usually aren’t. Software testing probably has more excise tasks than the other aspect of software development. Maintaining test scripts, rerunning tests, and comparing expected results with actual results are all common excise tasks that routinely use large amounts of test engineers’ time.

Automating excise tasks serves the test engineer in some ways. First, eliminating excise tasks eliminates drudgery, thereby making the test engineer’s job more satisfying. Second, automation frees up time to focus on the fun and challenging parts of testing, like test design, a revenue task. Third, automation allows an equivalent test to be run thousands of times without extra effort in environments where tests are run daily or maybe hourly. Fourth, automation can help eliminate errors of omission, like failing to update all the relevant files with the new set of expected results. Fifth, automation eliminates a number of the variance in test quality caused by differences in an individual’s abilities.

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