Interview Questions, Answers and Tutorials

Mixins and multiple inheritance

Mixins and multiple inheritance

What are Mixins?

Imagine you have a bunch of LEGO bricks. Some of these bricks can be wheels, some can be windows, and some can be doors. You can add these different pieces to your basic LEGO car to give it more functionality. Similarly, in programming, mixins are like these extra pieces. They add special features to our basic classes without being full classes themselves.

What is Multiple Inheritance?

Now, think of mixing different flavors of ice cream to create a new flavor. Multiple inheritance is like mixing different classes to create a new class. This new class will have features from all the classes it inherits from.

Mixins and Multiple Inheritance in Python

Mixins are typically used with multiple inheritance to add functionality to classes. Let’s see how this works in Python with a simple example.


Imagine we are creating a game with different types of characters. We have a basic character, but we want some characters to be able to fly and some to swim. Instead of writing the flying and swimming code in every character class, we can create mixins for these features.

class FlyMixin:
    def fly(self):
        return "I can fly!"

class SwimMixin:
    def swim(self):
        return "I can swim!"

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def greet(self):
        return f"Hello, my name is {}."

# Let's create a character that can fly
class FlyingCharacter(Character, FlyMixin):

# Let's create a character that can swim
class SwimmingCharacter(Character, SwimMixin):

# Let's create a character that can both fly and swim
class SuperCharacter(Character, FlyMixin, SwimMixin):

# Testing our characters
flyer = FlyingCharacter("Birdy")
swimmer = SwimmingCharacter("Fishy")
super_char = SuperCharacter("Superman")

print(flyer.greet())         # Output: Hello, my name is Birdy.
print(           # Output: I can fly!

print(swimmer.greet())       # Output: Hello, my name is Fishy.
print(swimmer.swim())        # Output: I can swim!

print(super_char.greet())    # Output: Hello, my name is Superman.
print(      # Output: I can fly!
print(super_char.swim())     # Output: I can swim!

How Does This Work?

  1. FlyMixin and SwimMixin: These are our special pieces. They add the ability to fly and swim.
  2. Character: This is our basic class, like the base of our LEGO car.
  3. FlyingCharacter and SwimmingCharacter: These are characters that can either fly or swim.
  4. SuperCharacter: This character can do both because it inherits from both FlyMixin and SwimMixin.

Practice Questions

  1. Create a mixin RunMixin that adds the ability to run. Create a RunningCharacter class that can run.
  2. Create a mixin called JumpMixin that adds the ability to jump. Create a SuperCharacter class that can fly, swim, run, and jump.


Question 1

class RunMixin:
    def run(self):
        return "I can run!"

class RunningCharacter(Character, RunMixin):

runner = RunningCharacter("Speedy")
print(runner.greet())  # Output: Hello, my name is Speedy.
print(    # Output: I can run!

Question 2

class JumpMixin:
    def jump(self):
        return "I can jump!"

class SuperCharacter(Character, FlyMixin, SwimMixin, RunMixin, JumpMixin):

super_char = SuperCharacter("Ultimate Hero")
print(super_char.greet())  # Output: Hello, my name is Ultimate Hero.
print(    # Output: I can fly!
print(super_char.swim())   # Output: I can swim!
print(    # Output: I can run!
print(super_char.jump())   # Output: I can jump!

Mixins and multiple inheritance allow us to add specific features to our classes without repeating code. Mixins are like special LEGO pieces that add extra functionality, and multiple inheritance is like mixing different flavors to create a new, better flavor. This makes our code cleaner and easier to manage.